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Triaqua Heating Cooling &DHW Geothermal Heat Pump-23KW

Heating Cooling &DHW Ground source/ Water source HeatPump-23KW Smart Combination of *Air conditioning heating *Air conditioning cooling *And Clean Sanitary Water Heat Pump Heater. Two Water Tanks Built Inside. Seperate Water Cycle For Air Conditioning and Domestic Water. 5 Times Energy Saving as Normal Gas or Petrol Heater. 1/4 OF Normal electricicty power Bill Help You to Win the Whole Unit... 

Water-Ground source Split Heat Pump 15-23KW

  Heating Cooling &DHW Ground source/ Water source HeatPump15-23KW  Smart Combination of *Air conditioning heating *Air conditioning cooling *And Clean Sanitary Water Heat Pump Heater. Two Water Tanks Built Inside. Seperate Water Cycle For Air Conditioning and Domestic Water. 5 Times Energy Saving as Normal Gas or Petrol Heater. 1/4 OF Normal electricicty power Bill Help You to Win the Whole...